[updated 09/19/2012] PRESIDENTIAL MAP CONTRIBUTOR DATA FILE Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20463 DATA DESCRIPTION Presidential Map Contributor Data File The zipped file should be downloaded as binary and unzipped. Summary: The contributions file contains individual contributions, refunds to individuals and transfers from authorized committees. This includes individual contributions reported on Form 3P Line 17A, refunds to individuals reported on Form 3P Line 28A and transfers from authorized committees reported on Form 3P Line 18. Universe: All individual contributions. Associated Files: Data File: CANDIDATEID-STATE.ZIP (example, P00000001-AK.ZIP) Data Dictionary: CONTRIBUTOR_FORMAT.TXT The text file is comma delimited and uses double-quotation marks as the text qualifier. --------------------------------------------------------------- CMTE_ID COMMITTEE ID S CAND_ID CANDIDATE ID S CAND_NM CANDIDATE NAME S CONTBR_NM CONTRIBUTOR NAME S CONTBR_CITY CONTRIBUTOR CITY S CONTBR_ST CONTRIBUTOR STATE S CONTBR_ZIP CONTRIBUTOR ZIP CODE S CONTBR_EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTOR EMPLOYER S CONTBR_OCCUPATION CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION S CONTB_RECEIPT_AMT CONTRIBUTION RECEIPT AMOUNT N CONTB_RECEIPT_DT CONTRIBUTION RECEIPT DATE D RECEIPT_DESC RECEIPT DESCRIPTION S MEMO_CD MEMO CODE S MEMO_TEXT MEMO TEXT S FORM_TP FORM TYPE S FILE_NUM FILE NUMBER N TRAN_ID TRANSACTION ID S ELECTION_TP ELECTION TYPE/PRIMARY GENERAL INDICATOR S Data Type: S = string (alpha or alpha-numeric); D = date; N = numeric --------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Documentation COMMITTEE ID String A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a committee by the Federal Election Commission. --------- CANDIDATE ID String A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a candidate by the Federal Election Commission. --------- CANDIDATE NAME String --------- CONTRIBUTOR NAME String Reported name of the contributor. --------- CONTRIBUTOR CITY String Reported city of the contributor. --------- CONTRIBUTOR STATE String Reported state of the contributor. --------- CONTRIBUTOR ZIP CODE String Reported zip code of the contributor. --------- CONTRIBUTOR EMPLOYER String Reported employer of the contributor. --------- CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION String Reported occupation of the contributor. --------- CONTRIBUTION RECEIPT AMOUNT Numeric Reported contribution amount. --------- CONTRIBUTION RECEIPT DATE Date Reported contribution receipt date. The date format is DD-MMM-YYYY. --------- RECEIPT DESCRIPTION String Additional information reported by the committee about a specific contribution. --------- MEMO CODE String 'X' indicates the reporting committee has provided additional text to describe a specific contribution. See the MEMO TEXT. --------- MEMO TEXT String Additional information reported by the committee about a specific contribution. --------- FORM TYPE Sting Indicates what schedule and line number the reporting committee reported a specific transaction. SA17A: Form 3P Schedule A Line 17A SA18: Form 3P Schedule A Line 18 SB28A: Form 3P Schedule B Line 28A --------- FILE NUMBER Numeric A unique number assigned to a report and all its associated transactions. Use the file number to link transactions to the report summaries (Form 3P) in REPORT_SUMMARIES_FORM_3P.ZIP on the FEC's FTP server. ftp://ftp.fec.gov/FEC/Presidential_Map/ --------- TRANSACTION ID String A unique identifier permanently associated with each itemization or transaction appearing in an FEC electronic file. --------- ELECTION TYPE / PRIMARY-GENERAL INDICATOR String This code indicates the election for which the contribution was made. EYYYY (election plus election year) P = Primary G = General O = Other C = Convention R = Runoff S = Special E = Recount